Welcome to my cozy little website!! This is VERY new and I'm still learning how to set this up, but I'm excited!
Things I might post about:
- Climate change - from causes to solutions, I expect I'll be posting a lot about this
- Music I like - including Beach Bunny, Nelward, Toby Fox, & Taylor Swift
- Animal crossing - I haven't played as much recently but ugh animal crossing music and aesthetics speak to my heart
- I'm trying to think of things I can showcase here... maybe I'll make a page of puns? :D
- I've also seen a lot of "adoptables" on various websites... I want to have some but maybe have a theme - like only adopting plants!
- And mayhaps I'll post about my journey of learning how to code and do technology stuffz - both through learning HTML here and also learning GIS for environmental science stuff